Ai looked at herself in the mirror, admiring how she looked. That white dress was so beautiful, like some sort of a summer wedding dress. For some reason she started to remember that time while recording Osaka Koi no Uta. She really loved those costumes! She thought that all of the members looked very good in those outfits. Whenever she wasn´t shooting, she stayed behind the cameras looking at the monitor while the others were doing their personal dances for the PV. But the dress she was wearing now was so much more beautiful, and it looked good on her. She smiled watching her reflection, trying to notice how much she had grown. Her body really had changed since she entered Morning Musume, but for some reason she just didn’t feel like it. For her, time had not passed since she was a new member, and it was very odd when other people or even the older girls told her that she had grown up very well. And when someone told her she was kind of sexy, she just started to laugh. Sexy? No way! She never believed that kind of statements. Sexy were Maki, Rika, Yossy in her Mr. Moonlight outfit – but she wouldn´t tell that to anyone, Miki -but she would never tell that to her. Even among the current members there were sexier girls, like Koharu on her photo books, or Eri when she wasn´t spacing out. Even Junjun sometimes was sexier, with that pretty face of hers. But the sexiest of all would always be the one who was getting dress behind her.
“Are you ready yet?” Ai said trying to sound somewhat angry. “We don´t have that much time, you know?”
“Give me a minute!” a voice said behind a curtain. Next, a figure came walking to appear next to Ai, trying to get a look at herself in the mirror.
“My good, I love this dress!” said Reina, while making posses at the mirror.
That was sexy, Ai thought, but she corrected herself. Reina was always very sexy. Her manners at talking, walking, and posing were always right. Everything Reina does, says and wears becomes sexy somehow. Well, she was also very yankii, but coming from her wasn´t scary at all – not like Nakazawa. If people were to call someone sexy, that should be Reina and no one else.
Ai smiled at the girl. She could never compete with someone like her.
Reina turned to Ai, looking very happy.
“This outfit is very nice, right?” Reina said, and started to pose again.
“Yeah, it´s very beautiful,” Ai said, still smiling at the girl. The dress looked better on Reina, and that was a fact. The Ai didn´t found that dress looking good on her anymore. “Maybe it´s just too beautiful for me.”
Ai didn´t notice she had said that out loud. Reina stopped posing.
“What did you just said?”
“Nothing! I was just mumbling… Maybe I just spaced out for a minute… ” Ai said, not sounding too convincing. Reina looked at her very seriously.
“I know Eri. That means I really know when someone is spacing out,” Reina said, making a yankii pose and staring at Ai, who started to feel very nervous. “I´m not stupid, you know? I heard what you said.”
“Reina, it’s nothing…” the leader started to say, but Reina was walking towards her. With that serious look on her face, she grabbed Ai by her hand and started to pull her. For a second Ai thought Reina was going to hit her or something worst, but it was nothing of the kind. Reina put Ai in front of the mirror, and standing right behind her, looked at her through her reflection. Ai was still feeling very nervous, but the hard look on Reina´s face wasn’t there anymore.
“Look at yourself,” Reina said, while grabbing Ai by her shoulders. Ai did as she was told. Reina let her head repose on Ai shoulder, while she was watching also. “I don´t understand how you can even think this dress is too beautiful for you, when it is the other way around. YOU are too beautiful for it.”
Ai contemplated herself again. It was true; the dress looked good on her. Why couldn´t she believe it? Why didn´t she had some self-confidence? Why…
“You look gorgeous, Ai-chan,” Reina said in a whisper. “Why can´t you believe it? I´ve noticed that every time someone gives you a compliment you always say that it´s not true or you don´t even give a response. For a second I thought you were just too nervous to give an answer, but now I know that you don´t have confidence in what you can do.”
“That´s because I can´t do too many things…” Ai said, and this time her voice sounded very empty, like she was revealing something she didn´t want to admit. Reina gave her a serious look again.
“Ai-chan! A leader shouldn´t say, nor even think something like that!” Reina said very loudly. Then she noticed that Ai had a sad look on her face. “Gomen-nee,” she said as she moved her arms and hugged Ai by the waist. The hard look faded again.
“I´m not a good leader, I know that,” Ai said almost whispering.
“Don´t be silly. You are a great leader, Ai-chan. It´s just that you don´t believe you are.” Reina said, looking straight at Ai´s eyes through the mirror. “You have a great voice, you are so damn good at dancing, and you definitely look more than great on this dress.”
“You look better than me for sure!” Ai said, feeling better after Reina´s compliments.
“Well, I´m awesome, you know.” Reina said, and then she blinked at her own reflection. Ai laughed, feeling so much better now. She saw Reina´s reflection and smiled at her. It was great for her to have a very optimistic mate in that moment. Reina smiled back and hugged Ai more, letting her face repose on the girl´s shoulder again. Ai suddenly started to feel nervous, but that was not what was worrying her…
Why did she start to look so much at the girl behind her? Well, she already knew that Reina looked good on that dress, but why she just couldn´t stop looking? She just wanted to do it. She just wanted to see Reina´s slim but still good body. When did she grow like that? When did she become so… hot? Ai realized that way she was looking at Reina, the kind of thoughts that were forming on her mind… She knew it was wrong, but why was still doing it? Ai tried not to feel that way, but it was hard. Reina was really close to her, and Ai could actually feel her breathing on her neck. There weren´t that close to each other before. Ai was feeling more nervous. Suddenly she felt Reina´s hair touching her back, and the feeling she got was the most unexpected. She just started to tremble, since she never felt something like that before.
“Ai-chan, are you ok?” Reina asked, noticing Reina’s reaction. Come on, Ai, get a grip. GET A GRIP!, Ai screamed mentally to herself, in order to give a proper response, but Reina was so close… It was too much for her…
Fortunately for her, a knock on the door arrived to her help. A voice sounded from outside.
“Tanaka-san, Takahashi-san, they are waiting for you!”
“WE´RE COMING!” Ai screamed too loud, and just walked very fast to the door. Reina just gave her a weird look, and started to walk behind her.
Ai really thought the photo shoot was going to help her forget all those absurd and inappropriate thoughts about Reina, but she was very, very wrong.
Reina was still there. Not too close as before, but that was not the problem. Well, it was a photo shoot, so obviously there was a photographer. If you add Tanaka Reina to that equation, you will get one hell of a sexy photoshoot. Everybody knows how Reina loves being in front of a camera, and she really gives her best when posing or smiling. This time, it was supposed to be a cute shoot, but well, even Reina could make cute with a big touch of sexiness. Her smile was so radiant, just like her eyes. Ai just couldn´t stop looking at her, while she was just moving around like a gracious swan. She was so pretty, with that hairstyle, that beautiful face, those tempting lips…
Ai shook her head furiously. Bad Ai, BAD AI.
“Ok, now we need a photo with the two of you,” the photographer said, waving at Ai. Well, it was inevitable, so she just walked towards Reina and stood next to her. Reina smiled at her, but Ai tried not to look at her. For some reason, she knew that if she looked at Reina too much, she would do something she would regret. In order to avoid any incident, she kept her distance and tried to stay calm. Reina made her a signal to come over, but she just ignored it. With a simple pose, she just waited the instructions of the photographer. Reina stared at Ai for a second, like trying to read something on her eyes, but then she just looked away and started to pose for the camera.
After the one-hour session, they were told to get change for the main photo of the session. Ai felt relieved because it was almost over. Also Reina didn´t say anything or complain to her, so she guessed that her attitude wasn´t rude at all. All that stupid thoughts about Reina started to banish. What had caused them? Ai didn´t knew, she didn´t want to find out either. The two of them rushed to the dressing room in order to change their outfits. Ai entered with a smile, but when the door closed it a loud noise, she knew that she had miscalculated something.
Care to tell me what the hell is wrong with you?” Reina asked while she grabbed Ai´s arm. Reina was in that moment just as scary as Nakazawa. “One moment you feel great, then you get nervous, and now you are ignoring me in front of everybody? Geez, what´s your problem Takahashi?”
Oh, Ai thought. When Reina starts to use family names, she is REALLY pissed. But damn, even when she is angry, she is still hot… No! Bad Ai, BAD AI. She was about to get her head ripped off by Reina, but she just couldn´t stop having those thoughts. That was just too surreal for her…
“I´m just feed up, you know? I really like you Takahashi, but this is just too much considering that before the shoot I tried my best to make you feel good. If you don´t want to talk to me, then I won´t talk to you either!” and saying that, Reina got behind the curtain to change her clothes.
Ai just couldn´t figure out what to say. She knew Reina wasn´t going to listen to her. She knew that even though she tried her best to improve things, she just made everything worst. Just for some stupid thoughts? What, she was just so out of control that she just couldn´t restrain herself? One hour ago they were having a happy moment in that same room, and now it was all going to hell. And it was all her fault. She just stood there for a minute, and not knowing what else to do, she just started to get changed.
Ai finished dressing up, but in the mood she was, she didn´t even look at herself in the mirror. She was feeling kind of desperate. What could she do? She got close to the curtain, and even though she knew there would be no answer, she started to talk.
There was only silence as answer.
Nothing. For some reason, she started to feel pain in her chest.
“Will you talk to me, Reina-chan?”
But there was no response at all. That pain got deeper and deeper.
Then she couldn´t speak at all. Not knowing why, she started to cry. The feeling in her heart was very intense. Why was she feeling like this? Somehow she knew the answer, but she thought it was all her imagination. But those tears… were very real.
The curtain opened very fast, and a warm hand grabbed Ai´s face and started to clean her tears.
“Oh, Ai-chan,” Reina said, while whipping all of the girl´s tears.
“I´m s… so sorry, Tanakachi…” Ai started to mumble, but the tears just kept on coming. Reina smiled at her, and keep cleaning Ai´s face with her fingers.
“It´s ok. Maybe I was too harsh on you.”
“No… It was my entire fault… It wasn´t fair to treat you like that… Not even letting you know what was going on…”
“Hush… It´s alright… I know what´s going on…”
Ai looked at Reina with her eyes wide open. How did she…?
“All your problems… Your lack of confidence… The fact that you don´t believe in yourself… There´s a reason for that, right?”
Ai was confused. Reina was talking of a very different issue… Wait, did she really know…?
“It´s all because of Yossy, right?”
“How did you…?”
“I saw the way you used to look at her. The way you always muttered to yourself how much you wanted to be like her, the way you treated her… You really loved her, didn´t you?”
Ai blushed. How come Reina was so perceptive? She felt like she was an open book and anyone could guess what she was feeling. It was the true as much as she would like to deny it. That sad feeling she was carrying with her was because of Yossy, but no one knew that but her… and of course Reina. More tears appeared on her face, but Reina cleaned them up quickly.
“It´s ok, Ai-chan,” she said. ”Sometimes that kind of pain leads us to do things that may not be right… Or could hurt the one closer to us…”
“I´m really sorry…” Ai cried out. “It wasn´t my intention…”
“And I said it´s ok… I understand…”
“No, actually you don’t…”
Reina looked at her, very confused. What the hell am I doing?, Ai thought, but she needed to get everything out of her system. For her own sake, she had to do it.
“You are right about the reason for not believing in myself and everything… But that is not the real reason why I was ignoring you… ” Ai said, but noticing Reina´s I-don´t-get-it expression, she tried to be clearer. “I mean, Yossy was not on my mind when I was doing that…”
“No? Then what was in that head of yours?” Reina asked, trying to get to an answer.
Ai tried to say it. She really tried. But then she noticed that she was so close to Reina. She was so close to that pretty face of hers, being looked by those cat-like eyes, almost breathing the same air… So close to those tempting and sexy lips… She tried to say something, but instead she found herself kissing Reina. It was just an instant, but Ai just couldn´t stop herself anymore. She grabbed Reina by the neck, and just kept on kissing her. Suddenly, she noticed what she was doing, and stopped very abruptly. She took some steps back, while covering her face in disbelief. Reina was looking at her, completely shocked.
“Oh my god! OH MY GOD! I´m so sorry, Reina!” Ai started to mumble, feeling so embarrassed. She wanted to say something, to excuse herself in some way. Reina just kept looking at her. Suddenly she just walked over Ai, who was scared as hell. Reina grabbed her arm, and pulled her very close. Her eyes were filled with anger… and passion?
“No way you are leaving me like this, Ai-chan,” she whispered in such a way that Ai felt she was going to explode. Reina got closer and closer. “Not after that kiss… and definitely not when you look so damn sexy…”
Ai started to tremble. Reina was talking to her ear, her lips almost touching her. This is wrong, Ai thought… But if it was wrong, why did it feel so good? Reina grabbed her from her waist, and Ai could feel how their legs made contact. Reina´s skin was so smooth, like velvet. Ai started to play with the girl´s hair, trying not to lose control again. Not that she didn´t wanted this to happen, but she thought it was better to wait for the right moment. She needed to talk, to calm herself down somehow.
“Hey, lying to me won´t get you a free pass, you know?” Ai said, about the being sexy thing.
“Oh my gosh, how many times do I have to do this?” Reina said very desperate. She took Ai and made her look at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a two-piece silver dress, with a very light top and a very short skirt. Reina looked at her, with her eyes filled with desire.
“You look so damn hot, Ai-chan… So hot you are making me sweat…” She whispered to Ai´s ear, in a very sensual way. Her hands were playing with the girl´s belly, which happened to be a very sensitive part of Ai´s body. The leader just started to melt…
“You look very sexy too…” Ai said, trying not to let a whimper go away. Reina was wearing a one-piece golden dress, also with a very short skirt. Ai´s hand started to play with the ends of the dress, caressing Reina´s thigh with the tip of her fingers. “I have always found you very sexy… That´s what has been on my mind…”
“Well, you know I have something on my mind right now,” Reina said, while she was getting close to Ai´s face.
“What is that?” Ai asked, as she closed her eyes and her lips were near Reina´s.
“That we are lucky they gave us short-skirt dresses,” Reina said, before their lips made contact, and their hearts fused in passion and desire. Luckily, there was still time.
Ai grabbed the magazine as she closed the door of her apartment. She was looking for the newspaper, but she just left it on the floor. While walking into the kitchen, she tore the plastic bag and started to search inside the magazine. When she found it, she seated on a chair and looked very curious. There it was the central picture, with Reina and her. She was really surprised, looking how good the picture had turn out. The pose, the lighting, their expressions, it was really a great job. But only if you looked very closely at those eyes, you would imagine what they were really feeling at that moment. Ai smiled, realizing it was a great picture. Reina was really hot… But she was even hotter.
“How are you felling today?” Reina asked, as she came behind Ai and kiss her in the cheek.
“Sexy,” Ai said, before she gave Reina a very passionate kiss. And she would never feel any other way.
Thanks to Yankii Heart for helping me correcting this fanfic. You are awesome!!! *__*
1 comment:
Thank YOU for trusting me with your writings...
As I told you, your englshi will improve as time passes, just keep writing and practising
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